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Online Adoption
Priority 1, Simple
Key Question: How much are our travellers using the self-booking tool (Self Booking Tool)?
Why this KPI: Booking travel by a corporate-designated Self Booking Tool is generally recognised as an
effective way to reduce transaction costs and reduce the average cost of airline tickets.
Definition: (Number of tickets issued through Self Booking Tool) divided by (All Tickets issued by the buyer’s
Travel Management Company and Self Booking Tool). Alternatively, use Amount of Ticketed Spend instead of
Number of Tickets.
Example: We have a 60 percent online adoption rate or, in the alternative form, 60% of our air spend is selfbooked.
Desired Direction: Higher is generally better for simple trips.
Considerations: The method of booking may be classified in two ways: Initiated Online (via the Self Booking
Tool) or Offline (via a Travel Management Company’s agent); or three ways: No Touch (booked via the Self
Booking Tool with no agent involved), Assisted (initiated in the Self Booking Tool but required some help from
an agent), or Agent (booked entirely with the Travel Management Company’s agent).
The denominator in this KPI, “All Tickets” or “All Ticketed Spend,” may be restricted to those trips suitable for
online booking, such as Domestic or Short-Haul trips, or those limited to out-and-back destinations, or those
limited to four or fewer sectors.
Travel managers are encouraged to compare ticket prices achieved between self-booked transactions and
agency-based transactions to observe the price differentials.
Likely Data Sources: Travel Management Company, Self Booking T